Despite the title, this post is really for parents/caregivers, in general. It's not profound, just some tips I've found help me with my littles.
1. I make a smoothie every morning for my kids. I'll put the recipe below. We knock out some key nutrients first thing and I don't worry quite so much if they want goldfish crackers for lunch.
2. When you grocery shop, park by the cart corral- you can pull out a cart, put the kids in, do your shopping, then easily get them back in the car and the cart back in the corral.
3. Similar idea but I try to start each morning with making beds and tidying up, a load of laundry, scriptures, a prayer, and exercise. Again, knocking out some of the important things so I can focus on other stuff throughout the day.
4. When your child is having a meltdown or tantrum, focus on YOUR emotions. Regulate yourself, THEN help them learn to regulate themselves.
5. If you're like me, sometimes parks can be overwhelming. On days when they feel overwhelming, we opt for a little hike. There are lots of nature preserves near us (and probably near you, too) that have easy hikes with lots of shade and it's still a great opportunity for the kids to get out and learn a bit about nature too!
Like I said, nothing profound, just a few little tips that might be helpful. If you have any you'd like to share, I'd love to read them!
Smoothie recipe (serves 2 littles):
1-2 cups milk of your choice (we use soy)
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen spinach
1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 serving of your favorite protein powder (we use chocolate Orgain)
Protein, antioxidants, fruit and veg, and a whole grain!
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