The Simple Life

Published on 21 December 2023 at 12:03

My favorite movie is Father of the Bride II.  Really it’s just the first few minutes of the movie, but I’ve watched it an embarrassing amount of times. What’s so compelling about it, you ask? Well first, I’ll tell you about it.

It starts with a sweeping orchestra, somewhat grand at first and then simplifying to mainly piano. The camera slowly pans down through leaves softly blowing in the wind to a beautiful white house, complete with a child riding by on a bike and the sweet “ding” of their bell. From there, we see scenes of home- family photos, bacon and eggs sizzling in a hot pan, candles glowing warmly on a table set with a home-cooked meal. We see pictures and a calendar on the fridge, flowers peeking through a picket fence, a hammock lazily swinging in the back yard, and a cuckoo clock. Hats and shoes are neatly lined up and a fire flickers light around a room with cozy slippers waiting nearby. On a table, a wedding invite is framed in antique silver and, in a closet, a wedding dress is lovingly stored in a recently vacated room. Toast pops up next to a steaming cup of coffee and we see a table with gardening tools and gloves, initials in a heart on the tree outside, and the friendly voice of Steve Tyrell sings about the beauty of a simple life. 


It’s only three minutes and nothing particularly spectacular is happening. 


Or is it? 


I would suggest there’s a special kind of nurturing for the soul in a meal lovingly prepared and presented; that there is breathtaking beauty cultivated in caring for flowers and comfort in a clean, welcoming home. There is absolutely a different feeling, a new vibe in the room, when a candle is lit, a space is reorganized, or a new art piece is hung. A paper calendar on the fridge is not just paper, but evidence of life lived, experiences gained, moments treasured, and lessons learned. There are physical manifestations of love and life everywhere in a home that is cared for and well lived-in and THAT is spectacular.


And so I have titled this blog “Give Me the Simple Life”, because it's my deepest wish to find and cultivate the beauty in simplicity.


Tonight, in a quiet, midnight moment, while my children slumber and the crickets chirp, I think about why I haven’t started this blog until now. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, or that I don’t want to share it.  Mostly it’s that sometimes I wonder if we need one more voice in the sea of noise that surrounds us all. Does the world need one more blog? I’ll answer and say absolutely not. 




I have thoughts. And, perhaps, they might bring some goodness to the world, to your world. I suppose that remains to be seen, but I hope for it. I hope you’ll stick around for the journey. Maybe you’ll help me learn how to keep a house plant alive, or to understand something you’ve been through on a deeper level. Maybe you’ll change my mind as I learn about your perspective, or you’ll find a recipe you love, or I’ll finally learn how to level cakes properly. (Miracles happen!) Maybe we’ll gain more empathy and understanding for one another. Maybe, as we focus on the simple things around us, we’ll find joy together.

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Tupua Ainu'u
a year ago

You're the BEST!!!!

Christine Vicha
a year ago


Rebekah Clement
a year ago

Love this! One of my favorite quotes is, “enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Nina Jones
a year ago

I love the thoughts you share. They are warm and comforting. Can't wait to read more.

a year ago

Would love to hear more. I longed for the simple life. Being the mom of 6 did not afford me that plan. I enjoyed all of their activities and supporting them, football, wrestling, cross-country just to name a few. Now they are all grown and on their own, I look fondly back on this memories. And now we are empty nesters, I still long for a simple life.